Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Next post will be from Mississippi!

Off to Mississippi, golf, grandkids, cruise and more! Will add pics as I take them.

More on politics! What is this political mess? Are there no honest people in the world anymore. I am turning into a REAL CYNIC! Can't seem to believe anyone anymore. Does anyone care about the state of our economy? What will it take to wake everyone up? Our country is slowly being bought out from under us. Soon we will no longer be the USofA but will be some foreign state's colony! I for one an GREATLY CONCERNED! Don't have any idea how I can change the course we are on. All I can do at this point is HOPE AND PRAY. WHAT DO YOU THINK?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Is it SPRING yet?

Just returned from a whirlwind 5 days with Ron and Janene and the boys! Now I am home for a week then off to Mississippi for Easter and my cruise to Mexico! I am definately looking forward to some GOLF!! Where oh where is Spring?

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Senior Help

Here is a helpful video for those of you who have to deal with us elders who are not so techono-savy. Thanks to my guru....Chris Prillo

Chris | Live Tech Support | Video Help | Add to iTunes

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Whether you are Democrat, Republican, or Independent, you have to admit that these primaries have been very interesting! I can't ever remember an election with as much ENERGY. Well, maybe JFK's time. He was exciting.
What is it that is causing such a hubbub? What is exciting so many who in years past have been so apathetic. I can almost feel that my personal vote can make a difference and I haven't felt that way in YEARS. I am not committed to any candidate yet but I am narrowing the field just as these primaries have narrowed the field.
Before all this started, I was quite disillusioned. I wasn't even sure I was going to vote. I believe that our nation is sitting on the brink of a very dangerous precipice and that if we do not change course drastically, we are headed for disaster. Our economy is dangerously wounded! It needs major surgery now or we will collapse from within. Perhaps that is our "enemies" goal. Doesn't anyone in our government see the DANGER in our present course? I for one am scared for our nation's future. With John McCain I fear more of "business as usual",Barack Obama promises change but can he produce it if he gets elected, and Hillary promises everything but no one likes her. She seems qualified but she alienates so many people that I'm not sure she is the person our nation needs right now. Obama is well liked and seems to have the ability to work with
people from all sides of the track but does he have what it takes to run our nation? It is a real dilemma. WHO IS BEST TO STRAIGHTEN OUT THIS MESS WE SEEM TO BE IN?

Here is another new one. It is a 9x12 done in acrylics on canvas board.
It's March can Spring be far behind? Yesterday and today we had to deal with an ice storm. Not bad enough to keep Poppa home but all of my activities, bowling;painting;getting my nails done; were all cancelled. I didn't even get out of my jammies. What a life!

This is a look and one of my newest paintings. It is an 8x10 done in acrylics on stretched canvas with a wrap-around edge.

Falling Behind!

I am finding it hard to keep up with my blogging children! Here is a look at another vacation photo from our trip to Disney World.