This is our Christmas Picture. We are a very
Large Bunch. The little ones kept us busy
and filled our days with the "magic" of
Christmas. Everyone had a Great Holiday
inspite of the crying and squabbling of cousins.
We had sleepovers, pillow fights, made cookies
together, went sledding and generally had
FUN! FUN! FUN! 8 under the age of 8 is a housefull
but Nanna Loves it even if she gets grumpy
when she is tired. On the Saturday after Christmas,
we baptised Larina Ann and everyone gave Nanna
a SURPRISE 60th Birthday party!
This is Larina at her Baptism.
And these are our 8 grandbabies!
Leo, Grace,Jaron,Alex holding Larina, Abby, Landon and Vincent
These are photos of Nanna's 60th party. My husband and children SURPRISED ME! A big THANK YOU to my daughter JoAnn who was event photographer!
Me with best friends Pat, Priscilla and Phyllis
My Man!
A great time was had by all especially the Birthday Girl 60 yr. old! Thanks everyone for a wonderful party.