Monday, December 31, 2007

Merry Christmas at MY HOUSE

This is our Christmas Picture. We are a very

Large Bunch. The little ones kept us busy

and filled our days with the "magic" of

Christmas. Everyone had a Great Holiday

inspite of the crying and squabbling of cousins.

We had sleepovers, pillow fights, made cookies

together, went sledding and generally had

FUN! FUN! FUN! 8 under the age of 8 is a housefull

but Nanna Loves it even if she gets grumpy

when she is tired. On the Saturday after Christmas,

we baptised Larina Ann and everyone gave Nanna

a SURPRISE 60th Birthday party!

This is Larina at her Baptism.

And these are our 8 grandbabies!

Leo, Grace,Jaron,Alex holding Larina, Abby, Landon and Vincent

These are photos of Nanna's 60th party. My husband and children SURPRISED ME! A big THANK YOU to my daughter JoAnn who was event photographer!

Me with best friends Pat, Priscilla and Phyllis


My Man!

A great time was had by all especially the Birthday Girl 60 yr. old! Thanks everyone for a wonderful party.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Here it is at last! Our usual monster tree!

Friday, December 7, 2007

The Wall of Stockings!

The Stockings are hung by the chimney with care
For St. Nicholas will soon be here!

Our family has grown! We used to be 5 and now
are 22! Can't wait till you all get here!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Ferrara Holiday Update

Happy Holidays Everyone! Each year I send out greetings with an annual update letter. This year I decided to post it on my BLOG. Hope it works.. Not much has changed this year.. I spent the winter months(Jan, Feb, Mar, and Apr.) painting and bowling. I belong to 3 art groups and meet with them on a regular basis. I bowl 2 days a week and in a travel league once a month. These activities keep me busy and I enjoy the companionship of other "Seniors". Ron, unfortuantely is not retired yet and does not have any plans to retire for another couple of years.He is very happy doing what he does so I have to be patient until he is tired of it all.

As soon as Spring allowed, I hit the golf course! I played everyday if the weather permitted. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THE GAME! Ron treated me to some new clubs and my game has improved greatly. Not much time spent painting during golf season. Ron and I celebrated 38 years together in June. WOW! The time has flown by. Three grown, married kids and now 8 grandkids. We are truly blessed. That is why I spend so much time flying around the country. I really enjoy my kids and my grandkids. I hope I don't wear out my welcome with any of them.

As you know if you have been reading the posts, I just got back from 2 mos with Ant and Ang and the boys and new sister Larina. Since I got home I have been reacquainting myself with my friends. The first day back bowling I bowled "out of my league" a 527! I average about 145. The rest of my free time has gone to cleaning and decorating the house in anticipation of everyone coming HOME for Christmas. Ron and I have also been traveling back and forth to New York City to visit Ron's brother, John who has been hospitalized since June. It has been a busy but happy year for us. Ron and I would like to wish all of you the best that the Holidays have to offer. May you hearts be full of love and may you be healthy and happy in the New Year..

This is the Dining Room all decked out and ready for the family!

This is the family room all decked out but no tree yet. The teddy bears are having a tea party waiting for the kids to arrive.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

My Thanksgiving With The Chicago Gang

This is Vincent in his halloween PJs.
Most of you know that I spent the last 2 months in Chicago awaiting the arrival of Larina! I had a lot of FUN chasing Vincent and Leo around.

A bedtime story by Daddy.

Leo my favorite "Little Devil"!

Larina arrived Nov. 13th..She was certainly worth the wait!
What a beautiful baby!

Nanna and Poppa Elves!!!

Check this out!

Winter Had Come!

Here is what Poppa and I woke up to today! 4-6 inches of the white stuff! It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas here..